More About the Author "loroseline"

Author Nick: loroseline
Name: Laura Roseline
About the Author: I am an article writer with lots of experience in the subjects I submit for.

Articles by loroseline :

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Tell people’s personality based on their glasses

The famous fictional Detective Sherlock Holmes once said that you can tell a lot about a person simply by observing his clothes. The same thing goes for eye glasses (briller is what we Danes call them ). They are an integral part of a person’s outfit, so his personality and his characteristics are reflected on […]

Eye-catching Volkswagen Blue motion Polo

The new Volkswagen Blue motion polo (or billige polo as we call it in Norway) comes with higher fuel efficiency and eco friendly design.  Blue motion technology offers the cleanest and environmentally friendly variants of cars. Volkswagen first introduced Blue motion technology in the year 2006 on fourth generation Polo Mk4 model.  Smart look and […]

What is family therapy?

Family therapy is a therapy that is designed for families to handle with their everyday problems and some large problems if there are such. Basically the family therapy has the goal to take care of any ongoing problems in the family, to remove all of the dysfunctions in the family system and thus family therapy  […]