More About the Author "lvl237123"

Author Nick: lvl237123
Name: David Brosnan
About the Author: David is a developing writer. He has writing articles in various topics. Currently he is rendering his services to a Embedded Companies and Embedded Database Please visit

Articles by lvl237123 :

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EMS – Element Management System

Element management system (EMS) is industry-leading management application software for helping embedded manufacture to manage one or more specific telecommunication management network. Element management system provide unified interface to manage and control all elements of the network devices with the extensible architecture for effortlessly supporting client’s future product. Element management system manages the functionality and […]

ECLI – Embedded Command Line Interface

Embedded Command Line Interface is interactive tool that provides access to the embedded device. The Embedded CLI (ECLI) is a RTOS (Real Time Operating System ) independent rich set of API’s and library that can be used in building a CLI for a product. The Embedded CLI (ECLI) package takes embedded device requirement document as […]

Real Time Operating System (RTOS): Embedded Database

An embedded Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) is a multitasking operating system designed to be very compact and efficient, forsaking many functions that non-embedded computer operating systems provide. It facilitates the creation of system, but does not guarantee the final result will be require correct development of the software. These are designed to control an embedded […]