More About the Author "macleo"
Author Nick: macleo
Name: mac leo
About the Author: Hello, I am Mac leo from germany. As a researcher, educator, and planner, I have worked in alternative and complementary medicine of IAS from many years. IAS is the world's largest supplier of specialist medicines, bio-identical hormones and nutrition, concentrating on anti-aging medicine.
Articles by macleo :
08.02.11 | Comments Off on Wobenzym, body aching, anti inflammatory drugs
Arthritis is becoming a more and more widespread musculoskeletal disease that affects the joints as well as the spine. With over 150 established musculoskeletal conditions that cause stiffness, chronic joint pain and body aching. The most frequent are known as Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid. It is estimated by the World Health Organization that 9.6% of men […]
07.19.11 | Comments Off on Adrafinil – coffee alternative
We all experience a time when we know that we are just not feeling on top of the world. Our minds feel inactive and slow like we are not completely awake and vigilant. For most of us the answer is to reach out for the coffee which seems like the most apparent solution. That knock […]
06.16.11 | Comments Off on Thyroid Disorders – Thyroid Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
A reduction in thyroid affects each cell in our body and produces a broad range of age-related problems. The thyroid gland is situated beneath the Adams apple in the throat. It produces a hormone known as thyroxine into the bloodstream. This hormone is able to control the body’s metabolism (the rate at which food converts […]
05.31.11 | Comments Off on Control Diabetes with Metformin
The latest survey on diabetes reveals a startling fact. The total number of people suffering from diabetes will double by 2020. Diabetes is chronic disorder characterized by high glucose levels or inefficient production of insulin in blood. There are two types of diabetes- type1, found mostly in kids, and type 2 diabetes, found in adults. […]
05.10.11 | Comments Off on Enhance brain activities with Piracetam
Our brain sits atop our body. It guides the entire functions of the body manoeuvres the organs to perform their respective duties. It is imperative to look after the brain. Earlier, the medicines available to boost the brain’s activities came with side effects. Their effect on the brain was debatable. With the advent of technology, […]