More About the Author "macleo"

Author Nick: macleo
Name: mac leo
About the Author: Hello, I am Mac leo from germany. As a researcher, educator, and planner, I have worked in alternative and complementary medicine of IAS from many years. IAS is the world's largest supplier of specialist medicines, bio-identical hormones and nutrition, concentrating on anti-aging medicine.

Articles by macleo :

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Metformin for Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is different from diabetes and is a condition of the body when either the pancreas  produces insufficient amounts of the hormone insulin or the body becomes resistant to normal or even high levels of insulin or both. This leads to increased sugar or glucose levels in the blood thereby leading to a […]

Fight fatigue with Armour thyroid

You feel constantly tired and run down. No matter how much amount of sleep you get, it is just not enough. To make the matters worse you can’t seem to think straight or remember things you should easily know and there is no enthusiasm left in you for trying or doing new things. You are […]

Armour thyroid: most effective and natural hypothyroidism treatment

Hypothyroidism affects millions of women especially during their pre-menopausal and post-menopausal years every year. The conventional approach of medicine is to treat the thyroid problems by giving supplements or thyroid medicines containing synthetic hormones as opposed to treating it in a natural way that actually benefit’s the whole body. Among the vast variety of thyroid […]

Boost your brain and energize your body with NADH

Human body like any other machine requires fuel for its proper functioning. Fats, proteins and carbohydrates present in our daily diet act as the primary source of fuel for our body. Since our body cannot use these food stuffs directly, they are broken down into smaller particles by enzymes present in the digestive system. One […]

Take Aniracetam for better recall and memory

Nootropics is a range of breathrough drugs which are known to increase brain power, improve memory recall, enhance vigilence and intelligence and are therefore popularly called as smart drugs in common language. These nootropic drugs are further classified into varios other categories depending upon the chemical structure and functioning if different group of drugs or […]