More About the Author "makehomeaffordable"

Author Nick: makehomeaffordable
Name: Myron Champion
About the Author: Make home affordable plan purpose is to provide eligible candidates with home loan modification program that amends the terms of their current mortgage agreement.

Articles by makehomeaffordable :

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Make Home Affordable Plan: Avoiding Foreclosure in 2012

During the economic boom that took place prior to 2008, the housing bubble looked set to remain prosperous for the foreseeable future. As prices remained competitive and mortgage lenders continued to fund the dreams of thousands of citizens, there seemed no end to the possibilities for individuals who wished to take a step on the […]

How Can You Reduce Your Mortgage?

Most people who have been struggling with mortgage repayments are going to think that they have looked at every avenue for help; but have you? There may be one more possibility that you have overlooked. It is getting far too easy, for people like yourself, to think that you are never going to be able […]

Have You Been Able to Modify Your Home Loan?

For many people the chance to be able to alter the amount that they have to repay on their home is just a dream. It’s something that seems a long way off when they think about it, but, for the people in the know, it’s an actual reality. People are finding ways to make their […]

Do You Need Help to Reduce Your Mortgage?

If you have been struggling to meet your mortgage repayments over the last few years, then you are probably going to have looked into any possible way that is open to you, when it comes to reducing the amount that you have to repay; but how successful have you been to date?   Most people […]

Is Your Home Still Affordable?

Not so many years ago, it seemed like money was readily available for new homes, the prices were going to continue to rise forever, and our families and future financial security was assured; how wrong were we?   The prices of houses reached a level that was unsustainable, and that’s one of the reasons that […]