More About the Author "maksims"

Author Nick: maksims
Name: maksim mrvica
About the Author: you can search some information about how to convert flip video and some other video by flip converter or pdf converter

Articles by maksims :

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So Easy To Convert Flash SWF To Video For Uploading To Youtube

“Does anyone know of an SWF to video converter for Mac? Is there a (preferably) free way to doing this? Or can it be done with Quicktime Pro? Because I wouldn’t mind paying for that, as I would use it more than once or twice… I have a load of old videos I made in […]

How to Convert PDF to Flash on Mac OS X Lion

We see PDF files all the time. We are often used as email attachments for both work and personal purposes. Often times, we like to use PDF files for other purposes. Flip books and flash magazines are commonly made from PDF files. We can add animation and other features and publish them on our website. […]

How to Encode Video to Flash FLV/SWF on Mac OS X Lion

Flash video is commonly regarded as the best choice to add video to website and blog for its small size (won’t take much bandwith), browse widely-compatibility(like Safari, Firefox, IE, Google Chrome, and so on) and fast-speed to download. Besides, you can enable flash video with beautiful flash video player to match your website. However, how […]

Best SWF Converter Convert Flash SWF To Video For Uploading To Youtube for mac lion

Both FLV and SWF can be created by Adobe Flash. And they can play in any web browser equipped with the free-to-install Adobe Flash plug-in. SWF stands out with its better interactivity, which becomes popular format on the web. Considered as a Flash animation format, the SWF format is usually applied to create animated display […]

Easily Maker Flash Flipping Book From PDFs On Lion

Apple gave birth to Mac OS X Lion and made official release this month. Mac OS X Lion (version 10.7) is set to be the eighth major release of Mac OS X, Apple’s desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. It is very convenient for you to update your system to Mac Lion in […]