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Name: John Dugan
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Some Sensual Tips for the Winter Holidays

The winter holidays aren’t all jolly old St. Nick and reindeer tamping their hooves on the roof. While the younger set (much younger) may be worried about if they’ve been naughty or nice, the grown-ups know that sometimes naughty is about as nice as things can get. So during the winter holidays, it pays to […]

Member Skin Shedding: What’s Causing it and How to Treat It

Unlike reptiles, member skin shedding is not a part of the natural cycle. Instead, it is the result of some sort of action or non-action that is causing skin peeling on the male organ that is neither liberating nor enjoyable. However, most causes of member skin shedding are not too serious and can be cleared […]

Male Organ Odor: 10 Ways to Destroy it before it Destroys the Mood

There are lots of reasons a man may have a smelly male organ. Sometimes, it’s an infection like a yeast infection, urinary tract infection, or urethritis, which can also come with a side of serious discomfort and will need some prescription intervention. Partner transmitted infections can also be to blame as well. However, the simplest […]

Male Organ Function: Upping the Male Seed Fluid Volume

Male organ function is sometimes wrapped up in male organ health, but generally the former has to do with how well the organ in question is fulfilling its duties and obligations. Often when a man mentions male organ function, it’s in the context of tumescence issues (good or bad). But that’s not always the case. […]

Melanosis May Be Mistaken for Male Organ Rash

Skin pigmentation is not even all over the body, as a person can tell from taking a really close look at just about any body part. There can be slight variations and gradings of color, not noticeable unless a person intently studies the skin. And sometimes color may vary due to other factors, such as […]