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Name: John Dugan
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Coronavirus and Sensual Health

By now, there are few if any people in the civilized world who do not know about coronavirus (technically, COVID-19), the pandemic of which is causing major changes throughout the world. At this writing, the story is evolving and changing every day, and there is no way of knowing exactly what path the pandemic will […]

Mononucleosis May Cause Male Organ Rash

It’s known as the kissing disease and thought of as something that mostly happens to teen-agers. But mononucleosis can in fact affect people of any age, creating a fatigue that can be debilitating at times. Indirectly mononucleosis can be a male organ health issue because the fatigue which is its hallmark can seriously dampen a […]

Manhood Skin and Cortisone: A Tricky Combination

When someone has itchy skin, they often reach for cortisone cream. This topical cream can work wonders for temporary itching, and so many men who have an itchy member will reach for it before they try other things. That can be a problem, as cortisone creams can be bad for manhood skin. When a man […]

Can Self-pleasure Cause Acne?

You’ll go blind! You’ll get hairy palms! You’ll plague yourself with pimples! There are so many misconceptions about self-pleasure, it’s hard to believe any of it’s true. But what if there was a connection between self-pleasure and acne? Well, there kind of is, but not really. Both start in puberty and even sometimes start at […]

Here Are 5 Things to Watch Out for When It Comes to Uncircumcised Male Organ Health

More men have a prepuce than do not. However, how many men are really aware of all the issues they should be on the lookout for to keep their favorite appendage safe and secure? For men with uncircumcised dicks, the prepuce can cause a lot of problems if not cared for properly. With that in […]