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Name: John Dugan
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Male Organ Odor Fixes: Things to Do

Everyone gets it: Guys sweat. And some guys sweat more than others. And guess what? That sweat is often worst right around the male organ and sacks – which means that male organ odor is a commonplace occurrence. But just because it’s common doesn’t mean that it’s acceptable. Dudes concerned with male organ health – […]

Gallstones Associated with Tumescence Dysfunction Risk

Avoiding tumescence dysfunction is clearly a priority for most men and maintaining good male organ health is one way to help. However, sometimes there are physical issues which can contribute to tumescence dysfunction which may seem to be somewhat far removed from the manhood. That’s because the body is a complex, interrelated system, and so […]

Male Organ Bumps from Seborrheic Keratosis Are Benign

“Uh-oh! What’s that?” This is a sentence no guy wants to utter while conducting a routine male organ health inspection—or even when just happening to glance at his equipment in the mirror—but it’s one that does come up from time to time. Often, the aberration that causes this exclamation is due to the discovery of […]

Pollution Might Influence Tumescence Dysfunction

Maintaining good male organ health is a no-brainer as a goal, and many men take great pains to keep their manhood in great shape. Exercising, eating right, cutting out smoking, watching alcohol intake, using a male organ health cream—all of these are things men do to keep their favorite organ healthier and happier—which in turn […]

Causes and Cures for an Unwanted Hard-on

Sometimes the wind blows a certain way, a hot text comes in, or a head-turning woman walks by. It’s natural to feel a little stirring in one’s trousers when these things happen. But what happens when an hard-on pops up for no reason and often in the worst places? A random unwanted hard-on happens when […]