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Name: John Dugan
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Manhood Shrinkage: Causes of and Treatment for a Shortened Male Organ

No man likes to hear the words shortened and male organ in the same paragraph much less the same sentence. However, many men experience either temporary or permanent member shortening at some point in their lives. Most times the shrinkage doesn’t measure up to more than a half inch or less. Regardless, a slightly shorter […]

Male Organ Oddities: What is Happening to My Junk?

Men in general are as familiar with their junk as they are with the back of their hand, and they rely on it to work properly and stay healthy and wholesome. However, occasionally, male organ oddities may crop up that are a cause for concern. In most cases, these are not serious, but knowing what […]

Adult Sheath Removal Before and After

According to a report by CBS News, sheath removal in male infants has been consistently trending down. As seen in information compiled by the Mayo Clinic, sheath removal has dropped from 83 percent in 1977 to 77 percent in 2010. While the percentage of male babies is still quite significant, more parents are questioning sheath […]

Five Man 1 Man Oil Side Effects Men May Not Know About

Side effects…they’re what everyone checks before buying or using a new product. And everyone should practice due diligence! Men using a male organ health crème in pursuit of a healthy member should know what continued use can result in. When specifically using Man 1 Man Oil, one of the top-rated crèmes out there, men should […]

Itty Bitty Male Organ Bumps? Maybe Lichen Nitidus

Every guy wants to make sure he practices proper male organ care, and so they hopefully are regularly examining their members for signs of irregularities that may need to be explored. (Hopefully those irregularities are not there – but a man doesn’t know unless he checks for them.) But when he does spot something that’s […]