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Name: John Dugan
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Member Care 101: Facts about Protective Devices

When a man is trying to maintain excellent member care and keep his tool looking and feeling great, he has a small arsenal of things that help him do so. In addition to a good manhood health crème and a dedicated cleanser meant for his sensitive skin, a man should also have a healthy collection […]

Red Male Organ Dots Culprit: Meet Purpura

Especially among fair skinned men, a red male organ is nothing unusual. Often the manhood skin has a reddish tinge to it naturally, and when a flow of blood rushes to the member in order to engorge it and prepare it for sensual activity, it often becomes a very red male organ indeed. Sometimes, however, […]

Razor Burn Can Cause an Itchy Male Organ

As a quick glance around the locker room may confirm, more and more men are manscaping nowadays. Whether it’s a total torso right-to-the-skin shave or just a neat-and-tidy trim of the pubic hair, it’s common now for men to take their razors and move below the neck nowadays. As long as a guy is appropriately […]

Lift and – Oops! Spontaneous Seed Release while Exercising

Wow! There’s nothing quite like a really good workout to make a guy feel good. Sure, he may feel tired, but he also has gotten his blood flowing, his heart pumping and his body that much more fit. In some cases, though, there can be an embarrassing consequence of exercising – spontaneous seed release, or […]

Male Organ Sensitivity: Strategies for Maintenance

One of the first things a boy learns is that touches his member feels good – and it gets to feeling even better as he grows up. The nerve endings in the member are especially reactive to stimuli, resulting in a degree of male organ sensitivity that is essential for the enjoyment of sensual activity. […]