More About the Author "mariajones52"

Author Nick: mariajones52
Name: maria jones
About the Author: gfhgfjghjhgkj

Articles by mariajones52 :

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New Ways to Promote your Business

Are you thinking of some new ways to promote your business? Every company needs a state of the art marketing strategy to create a buzz about their brand to help attract more prospective customers and clients in this Social Media society. But all advertising strategies do not work the same way. Successful companies realize that […]

Secret to Business Success

Nowadays companies are looking to take advantage of any opportunity to help them stand out from the crown and Get Noticed. Our client’s secret: Promotion Products…. Offering your prospects and clients branded merchandise not only helps you build brand loyalty but also helps attract customers to your business. Finding the perfect promotional products to help […]

Is Your Website Construction Marketing Friendly?

Construction Contractors know how important it is get their websites to rank high on Google, but very few are prepared to do the work it takes to get those results. To make your website construction marketing friendly, your site must have a strong SEO foundation. From an SEO standpoint, about 90% of websites need to […]

Why Work with a Business Coach? By Phil Glosserman

Suppose you were an Olympic athlete. You invest years of your time and energy, training to perform at your absolute best. The stakes are high—winning could mean an incredible and lucrative career and could open all kinds of doors and opportunities. Anything you do to increase your performance, even a little, could make a huge […]

Salespeople, Do You Suffer from the Fear of Rejection? By Phil Glosserman

There’s a nagging fear—a sense of dread—that stops millions of well-meaning salespeople and other professionals dead in their tracks. Every day, the fear of rejection chokes off their chances for greater success. This silent crippler stops people from doing activities that could bring them more business and income. It stops countless salespeople in their prospecting […]