More About the Author "mariajones52"

Author Nick: mariajones52
Name: maria jones
About the Author: gfhgfjghjhgkj

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Relationships are Now Built on the Internet

With the advent of the Internet, distances are not a problem for those who want to stay connected. The Internet is a blessing for all tech savvy people because they can explore life and all its colours from the comfort of their own home. It has brought new opportunities for singles who are looking for […]

Retirement from Teaching – Boring? Never!

“It’s boring, really boring”. That’s the verdict I heard when I sat in on a recent retirement seminar. The speaker was a man had come along with his soon-to-retire wife. Before he spoke I’d assumed that he had come along to offer support, encouragement and the benefit of his experience. How wrong I was. He […]

Want To Buy Pre-owned Cars Because They are Affordable?

Living the life of the rich and famous is a dream for many people, but only some ever experience it. A dream will only come true if you make it happen so for those who dream of buying a new car, but can’t because of financial constraints, it is now achievable as there are quality […]

Affordable New Cars: The Perfect Option for a Tight Budget

Living the life of the rich and famous is a dream for many people, but only some ever experience it. A dream will only come true if you make it happen so for those who dream of buying a new car, but can’t because of financial constraints, it is now achievable as there are quality […]

Retirement Advice That Just Makes Sense

“What do you want to achieve in your life after teaching? What will your life be like when you have created that? How will you hold yourself accountable for keeping focussed on it?” Three big, soul searching questions. They might look slightly scary. Very scary in fact. And also exciting, because they are all within […]