More About the Author "marktowell0"

Author Nick: marktowell0
Name: Jared McGinty
About the Author: An easy going guy :)

Articles by marktowell0 :

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Is Hydrogen Peroxide And Water (50/50) A Good Idea To Cure Bacterial Vaginosis?

If you read online, you will find dozens of ways for treating bacterial vaginosis. The weirdness in some of these treatments will make you laugh and you might be asking yourself: how is this even possible? How can this work as a bacterial vaginosis treatment? But before you go out trying every wired thing you […]

Is Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) The Only Explanation For A Somewhat Fishy Odor?

Having a fishy odor down there can be really disturbing. We all know that women do not smell roses down there; however they do not smell rotten fish either. If your vagina has a fishy odor and smells really bad, then you should be looking for possible reasons. The most common reason behind this is […]

Does Macrobid Work For Bacterial Vaginosis? – How Effective Is Macrobid For Curing Bacterial Vaginosis

Since conventional bacterial vaginosis treatment in most cases cause recurrent bacterial vaginosis, there are more and more women who want to exploit different options for treating this infection so it goes and never shows up again. There are so many different things or different options you can use to treat and completely get rid of […]

Does Having Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Infertility? – BV and Its Effects on Infertility

Even though everyone agrees that bacterial vaginosis is a very difficult and disturbing infection to have, not everyone agrees on the real dangers associated with having it, or what the infection can do when left untreated. It is almost a myth that BV can cause infertility in women. While some people say it can, there […]

What Is The Right Time In A Woman’s Menstrual Circle When They Can Get Pregnant

Pregnancy, as fulfilling as it may be, is denied to so many women worldwide yearly. Most of these women who find it difficult to conceive fall in the group of woman with infertility issues. This does not mean they cannot get pregnant, it just means that they may need special attention. One of such things […]