More About the Author "marktowell0"

Author Nick: marktowell0
Name: Jared McGinty
About the Author: An easy going guy :)

Articles by marktowell0 :

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How Can I Build A VERY Simple Tesla Coil?

I want to build a Tesla coil, would it be possible to do so with just coiled wire? do i really need capacitors and other things like this? I understand that two grades of wiring is required for the primary and secondary coils, but i was just wondering if that all I need along with […]

Using Tesla Secret To Building And Generating Free Electricity For Your Home

Another term for Tesla Coil is “Air-core resonant transformer”. It is a device Tesla invented in order to induce currents of VERY high voltage and very high frequency. It was an incredibly important device for his work and discoveries. Click here ==> tesla secret review, to learn how to build up your own Tesla Generator […]

Could Tesla Coils Powered By Nuclear Reactors Create Enough Ozone To Repair Our Ionosphere?

The Tesla coils placed remotely on mountain tops could produce manmade lightning, of which ozone is the byproduct, Even on a small scale careful planning could place the produced ozone in its proper locale assuming solar drifting is a real concept! Click on this link ==> nikola tesla secret energy, to learn how to build […]

Building A Generator To Power Your House For Free

Click on this link ==> tesla secret, to learn how to build your own Tesla Generator to power your house for free! 1.) What is the purpose of a Tesla Coil, in description? I’ve heard it’s a power generator, but how so? 2.) How would I go about harvesting that energy, and utilizing it for […]

If Osiris WAS The Djed Pillar And The Djed Pillar Was Part Of

If Osiris WAS The Djed Pillar And The Djed Pillar Was Part Of An Electrical Machine If you look at the Djed pillar – and note how close it is to Nicole Tesla’s Coil, or a Van-de-graf generator, then you may see things in a different perspective. Often the pictures of the Djed pillar have […]