More About the Author "marshell"

Author Nick: marshell
Name: marshell marshell
About the Author: Help make the earth green and environment better.

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What causes the electric vehicle lead-acid battery’s life so short?

When you buy an electric vehicle, the clerk will tell you that the lead-acid battery can be used for over two years. However, finally batteries are dead after one year. Why? Then you may go back to ask the clerk why its life is only one year rather than two years. He will tell you […]

Some Guidelines in Golf Cart Batteries Care

A golf cart is a big investment for a golfer, so it only stands to reason that you are going to want to maintain your golf cart to run at its best. But maintaining their batteries is a tough job. Most people don’t realize that golf carts get their power from six lead acid batteries, […]

A Satisfying Gift for Retired Parents – Mobility Scooter

Most young people don’t live with their parents because of their busy work. So they have little time and space to company and care their parents, as well as me. My parents retired from their company last year. And they always walk to visit me. I am very sad when I saw their fatigue. So […]

The Development for Traditional Golf Trolley Manufacture

Ok, brainstorm now. Apple, Google, which one do you guess will win. Or maybe, Jobs or Schmidt, who do you have a belief in? Lol, you do not need to answer this question immediately, because you will never know until the result finally comes. But there is one thing which you can answer me fast. […]

E-Commence for the Traditional Chinese Manufacturers

If you really willing to think in this way, the burst of Chinese economy is happened since Chinese government run into the WTO. However, most Chinese people also believe that this is not as excellent as they expect, at least the RMB will not appreciate in this way. Just a complaint, you don’t need to […]