More About the Author "martintuner12"

Author Nick: martintuner12
Name: Martin Tuner
About the Author: TalentFlow is powerful easy-to-use Applicant Tracking Software, Vendor Management System and Back Office System Modules.

Articles by martintuner12 :

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What Are the Functional Advantages of Inventory Management Software?

An establishment that wants to setup a good distribution network should understand the significance of inventory management, as the company should adopt an effective system to take control of inventory levels at all times. One of the ideal ways to roll out effective inventory management system is to implement inventory management software, which helps a […]

What does an Establishment Gain from Ideal Applicant Tracking Software?

Recruiting talented professionals is a challenging task for any organization, as it is also an important function that needs to be dealt with extreme care. It is the employees who script the winning chapter for an organization, and a well-designed recruiting process should get developed to track and absorb potential candidates. With the feature-rich applicant […]

iPhone Apps for Pharma and Healthcare Companies

iPhone App Development is becoming hugely popular within various industries,  once such burgeoning industry which is gaining momentum is Healthcare and Pharmaceutical. Quoting Eye for Pharma in one specific example, the Psoriasis App by J&J, averages 60,000 downloads a day and has helped to diagnose 27,000 patients. So, for an app that was relatively inexpensive […]

Mobile Application Development Amazing Offers

We are offering amazing offers who want to create iPhone application. iPhone App Development platform to create amazingly rich iPhone applications for users. Our team creates and deploys 2G/3G based iPhone games and social networking applications, for worldwide clients. ZSL has extensive knowledge in iPhone app development, wireless application development, having designed and developed several […]

Applicant Tracking Software System for Candidate Data Management

The Applicant Tracking Software module automates the enlargement of job requisitions and postings, candidate searches, candidate screening, ranking and assessment. TalentFlow is comprised of three distinct, fully Web-based modules, each of which can operate on a stand-alone basis or be integrated with other modules, existing client websites, HRIS and ERP systems. Applicant tracking software is […]