More About the Author "matthewingham"

Author Nick: matthewingham
Name: Matthew Ingham
About the Author: I am a divorce attorney in Tulsa.

Articles by matthewingham :

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Divorce Forms – How To Manage The Emotions Of Divorce

Let’s take a moment and talk about the emotions of divorce. As a general rule of thumb, divorce is a VERY emotional time. You can safely assume that your divorce will be the same. Those high emotions are part of the reason why divorce is such a roller coaster ride. Those high emotions are part […]

Divorce Forms – Try To Avoid Taking Extreme Positions

We have written a lot of material about how to settle your divorce early on in the process. Basically, the jist of each piece of that material is the same: we encourage you to avoid thinking in terms of ‘winning’ your divorce, and instead encourage you to think in terms of ‘settling’ your divorce. By […]

Divorce Forms – Think In Terms Of Settlement

Divorces can be expensive. The reason for divorces being so expensive is because the husband and the wife both ‘lawyer up’ and usually do so with the misguided perception that they are going to ‘win’ the divorce. The good news about divorce is that it does not have to be expensive. Yes it is true […]

Divorce Forms – How To Build A Strong Case

Divorce can be hard on people. That fact is a reality, a cold reality. Part of the problem with divorce is that it requires A LOT of planning, preparing, and A WHOLE LOT of thinking. Most people who are about to go through a divorce, naively assume that the details of the divorce will just […]

Divorce Forms – How To Settle Your Divorce Early

Divorces can be long and costly. If you are reading this article then chances are high that you or someone close to you is going through a divorce and you are wanting more information. The good news for you is that you are reading this article and chances are good that because you are reading […]