More About the Author "meggansummers"

Author Nick: meggansummers
Name: Meggan Summers
About the Author: J&D Consortium is a company that provides complete solutions and assist your total private label demands from food and beverage to cosmetics and almost everything in between. From concept and global sourcing through to product creation and release we are here to assist you all through the incubation phase through to launch.

Articles by meggansummers :

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Creating your own Brand with Private Label

It is not unusual for celebrities such as Paris Hilton or Jessica Simpson to have their own clothing lines. However, what most people do not realize is that these products do not literally mean that the celebrities are directly connected with the item’s manufacture. In most cases, these stars only carry a private label of […]

To Use Brand or Private Label, That is the Question

Being able to come up with a good product that will appeal to consumers is hard enough for a company using a private label, but after having accomplished this, the problem of establishing a customer base rears its ugly head. It is a total waste to come up with a great product but not have […]

Private label as a Growing Trend

You might be wondering what the rave about private label is all about. It is a growing trend nowadays among businesses that want to stay on top of their game. It is a mass production of new exciting brands under existing labels that is made exclusively by a company or manufacturer. One of the leading […]

Advantages of Private Label

Private label is the practice wherein one company provides product or services but sells it in another company’s brand. This type of transaction is actually very common nowadays and covers a wide array of products from energy drinks to make up. This is not really surprising considering just how many advantages this route has. For […]