More About the Author "meltdata1"

Author Nick: meltdata1
Name: Sandeep Agarwal
About the Author: Meltdata Business Solutions is a result oriented, technology-driven full service Market Research and Marketing Solutions provider. Our specialized range of services comprise of extensive end-to-end data collection services, data processing, data analysis and reporting services.

Articles by meltdata1 :

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Significance of incorporating Advanced Analytics Techniques in Consumer Industry

In present world where every aspect of the business is so dynamic that you need to be Bang on Target to sustain in the industry. This verdict is very much true for the Consumer industry. Let me elaborate a bit on as to what is consumer industry. Consumer industry is part of secondary sector and […]

Deep Dive into Customer segmentation using Statistical / Analytical Techniques

Today the business officials not only needs to design the strategies for retention of the customer base but also to increase the Customer base at a very fast pace.  Earlier the number of players in a particular segment was very low which led to easy path for the players as most of them used to […]