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Name: Lawrence Kelley
About the Author: Welcome to, a free online dictionary of names! Thank you for your interest in learning the etymology and history of first names.

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Expecting Parents Research Meaning of Names Selecting the Best Children’s Name Meanings

Origins and meaning of names on name meanings websites offer valuable insights to anyone who ever wondered “what does my name mean?” It seems like you can find just about anything on the internet these days. Unfortunately, much of what you find is inaccurate or irrelevant. The endless sea of data can become overwhelming at […]

Can Origin of Names and their Meanings Influence a Person’s Personality?

We have always had strong perceptions about names and often associate them with peculiar attributes. For instance, a girl by the name of Sita or Janaki is perceived by many in India to undergo hardship in her marital home. This is probably because of the popular Hindu epic, Ramayana, where the protagonist’s wife Sita had […]

Discover the Secret Behind Your Name

Many people wonder about where their names came from or what they mean. As human populations become more diverse, and their histories harder to trace, the quest for our identity and origins becomes more and more daunting. By tracing the history and etymology of our names, we can develop a better sense of who we […]