More About the Author "mh8450"

Author Nick: mh8450
Name: Mahafujur Rahman
About the Author: Mahafujur Rahman Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KUET, Bangladesh.

Articles by mh8450 :

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Yorkville Speakers

Yorkville speakers are known for their design and performance through out the world. Yorkville sounds manufacture musical instruments, audio amplifiers and loud speakers. It has been considered as the leader in the world of professional audio. The reason for its success is the innovation in design. Yorkville speakers are easy to use, reliable, and uneven […]

Yamaha Ls9-32

Yamaha Ls9-32 is one of the best digital live sound mixing consoles designed for the SR applications and installed system. It is a compact sound mixing console device which can provide multiple functions and channel count as compared to large format digital sound mixing console. It uses a 24 bit linear AD/DA type converter and can […]

Avalon VT-737SP

The Avalon VT-737SP includes an arrangement of conduit preamplifiers, opto compressor, the sweep equalizer, output grade and also VU metering within a 2U area. The preamplifier of Avalon VT-737SP has about three input options. The VT-737SP includes a higher efficiency microphone source transformer along with +48v phantom option. Device DI higher source input along with […]