More About the Author "michellefleming"

Author Nick: michellefleming

Articles by michellefleming :

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Canada taxes

The major income of Canadian government comes from taxation at about 70% and remaining from other sources like tariffs, fees, investments etc.

Thе Family and Mеdical Lеavе Act of 1993

Thе Family and Mеdical Lеavе Act of 1993 has not provеn to bе quitе thе panacеa that it was intеndеd to bе.

Dining out

Dining out can be a fun experience or one of disappointment and dread.

Slavery and its penumbra

Before the U.S. Civil War completed slavery, life for African Americans was one of unhappiness and misery.

The profile of Tim Berners-Lee

Tim Berners-Lee is one of the most remarkable inventors in the 20th century.