More About the Author "mikesonu"

Author Nick: mikesonu
Name: mike sonu
About the Author: i am an seo expert. you can contact us for seo tips and techniqes

Articles by mikesonu :

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Pros and Cons of Security Cameras in Schools

Security cameras are placed in schools to monitor all the activities around the campus. Schools purchase these cameras in maximum number and need to implement because it’s not easy for someone to implement cameras. Security cameras in school are useful to keep track on thieves, property damage and to prevent outsider to enter in the […]

Security Cameras for Detective Agencies and Defense Forces

In this period of cut throat and increasing crimes we need security and safety. Nowadays agencies that need to solve different cases like criminal cases and conspiracies thus they also started taking help of Security Cameras and Spy Cameras so that they can collect the evidence against the criminals easily and punish them for the crime they […]

How You Can Save Your Vehicles by Using Security Cameras

We can use Hidden Cameras for our daily protection from burglars, thieves, and can prevent any tragedy to happen. Security cameras are generally used for the surveillance purpose in home, offices, schools and other places where we think a camera is needed. As a house is our property similarly the vehicles standing outside are also our […]

Hidden Cameras Are Effective Crime Prevention Tools

As the crime and theft is increasing day by day the people are becoming greedier for money to fulfill their unfair needs. It is being noticed several times mostly in teenagers who are indulged in some bad activities this forces them to snatch things to make money for their bad habits. It is being observed […]

Using Hidden Cameras to Catch Cheat On Tests Hidden Cameras in Exams Rooms

Nowadays with the advancement in technology makes easier for students to cheat in exams. In several schools and universities students do cheating in exams by using cell phones, iPods and other online resources. I have seen so many students using internet access to find out the answers or to get the online question papers and […]