More About the Author "MinSooHee"

Author Nick: MinSooHee
Name: SooHee Min
About the Author: my name is Min Soo-hee female. I'm an internet savvy.

Articles by MinSooHee :

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In Starting a Company Creativity and Marketing is a Must

Draw out your marketing plan In any business operation, one of the basic procedures involving your business is the creation and implementation of your marketing plan. But before you do that, do some little research about your target audience so that you’ll be able to understand there needs. Your company aims to reach and target […]

Marketing your Articles properly

There are a lot of people who wanted to write down a report regarding marketing and more eager to reach out those individuals who dares try to demote into report marketing or any other sort of Net marketing. On behalf of individuals who were trying to cash in on this increasing variety of person pleading […]

To Increase you’re Sales think Like a Customer

In order to increase you’re sales here are the following list of the best way to think like a customer.  Just a reminder to you that customers are the lifeblood of any and all business so if you or you companies are constantly losing sales and customers it probably because of your poor customer service […]

5 Great ways to Email Marketing

Email marketing is the simplest way or method to communicate a company and its contact. To start with you need to have your list of emails, for your marketing campaign proposes. You may use those emails that you listed to promote your products, by sending them regular email and promoting your products and your services. […]

Importance of Video Marketing

Need a new way on how to market your brand, product, services etc? There are lots of ways and style on how to manipulate your market. Nowadays video has become more and more in demand in letting the people know about your business. In terms of brand exposure this can definitely be a very great […]