More About the Author "mio"

Author Nick: mio
Name: mio liang
About the Author: love guitar

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The best way to convert PPT to SWF

PowerPoint files (*.ppt/*.pptx/*.pptm) are used to present contents containing text, images, video and audio. A PPT can be displayed on a PC manually in conferences and meetings, and there are many social net-working websites which allow users to upload PPT files. Then, have you ever converted a copy of PPT to a SWF flash video? […]

How to transfer/copy iPhone 4S SMS to PC?

When you receive some interesting or important SMS through iPhone 4S, you may would like to save those messages for a long time. However it’s usual that we delete all the SMS and clean up iPhone 4S SMS inbox when the storage becomes less and less. So it’s better to backup those SMS. If you […]

How to free download Vimeo videos to Mac?

Vimeo is another popular video-sharing website, like YouTube, Vimeo allows users to upload videos and share with other people. Vimeo doesn’t offer download service either, so if users would like to download Vimeo videos to their Mac, a third-party software is necessary. All Vimeo Free Downloader for Mac is a free software which enables Mac […]

How to recover MySpace password and Google Talk password?

There are many passwords for our Internet life, for example there are passwords for instant chatting tools, and passwords for email boxes etc.. Passwords are security for the safety of our information. However, sometimes we may forget or mix passwords up. Many people have MySpace account and Google Talk account. It’s so popular now. Many […]

How to convert SWF to animated GIF and make GIF banner for Tumblr?

If you are a Tumblr user, you may know Tumblr allows users to add an animated GIF banner as the Tumblr title. Yes, this is much cooler than the common characters. And many Tumblr users have uploaded a featured animated GIF banner to their Tumblr. However, there are another users who feels confused about how […]