More About the Author "mio"

Author Nick: mio
Name: mio liang
About the Author: love guitar

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How to transfer iPhone iBooks to Mac with iPhone iBook to Mac Transfer?

Many iPhone users like reading iBooks. It’s easy and convenient. You just need to go to iBookstore and to find what you want to read. With an iPhone, you can take many books on the go and read iBooks at any time. iPhone iBook is much easier than a regular paper book. However, sometimes there […]

The easiest way to transfer/copy/backup iPad photos to Mac

Modern people can’t live without portable devices, no matter what it is, they just need one. iPad and iPad 2 were born at the right moment. iPad is light enough to be taken to go anywhere. People like iPad very much. They use iPad (iPad 2) to search on the Internet, to watch videos, to […]

How to transfer/backup/save SMS from iPhone to Mac with iPhone SMS to Mac Transfer?

SMS is a part of our daily life. Almost everyone who owns a mobile phone have sent SMS to their friens and families. iPhone is a smart phone and of course owns SMS function. Young people like sending SMS very much, because it is fast, convenient and easy to use. Comparing with callings, SMS is […]

How to transfer/save music from iPad/iPad 2 to Mac?

My friend Janny, a girl who loves music very much, bought a lot of songs from itunes on her iPad 2. Her iPad 2 is jammed with iTunes music and there is no more capacity for any other music. She got mad last sunday and asked me what to do. I have no magic and […]

How to transfer/backup iPhone photos to Mac with iPhone Photo to Mac Transfer?

I bought an iPhone 4 for myself as the birthday present, and I took a lot of photos with my new iPhone 4. In fact, I have had a Sony digital camera, however, I can’t help using my iPhone 4 to take a snapshot. Yes, you know, I’m just so excited! My friends and I […]