More About the Author "moorekyli"

Author Nick: moorekyli
Name: Kylie Moore
About the Author: Kylie Moore has spent a number of years doing research on HCG diet . Please visit this website for more information on the topic.

Articles by moorekyli :

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Vegetables for HCG Diet

If you are on HCG diet, you must know that vegetables are an integral part of your daily meal. The very low calorie diet can not be completed without vegetables. HCG diet is quite a controversial diet program. But there is no controversy about the fact that the dieters are required to have fresh vegetables […]

HCG Injections and Drops to Lose Weight

You must have heard about HCG. If you have some confusion about it, this article will help you to have a clear idea about HCG diet and HCG injections that help obese people to lose weight very quickly. The full form of HCG is Human Chornionic Gonadotropin. It is a hormone produced in the body […]

HCG Diet Recipe: Mushroom and Paneer

If you are on HCG diet, you can still enjoy tasty foods. There is nothing to be sad about following a HCG diet program. It is good for your health. After all you have chosen it yourself because you want to be in shape, isn’t it? So don’t leave the program in the mid way. […]