More About the Author "mooremary01"

Author Nick: mooremary01
Name: Mary Moore
About the Author: Writing article is my hobby..

Articles by mooremary01 :

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Improved Supply Chain Controls with the Cloud Solution

Every day you have to fight battles to keep your business up and running. Delivering superb performances without any delays or escalating the costs have become the normal criteria to run a business in fiercely competitive and volatile conditions. Any negligence or error can cost you dearly and jeopardize the prospects your business. When you […]

Ensuring the Safety of Employees with Exemplary Protection Gear

Industrialization has brought in favorable and profitable progress in the form of technological evolution and globalization. However, the other effect of industrialization is that most workforces in these industrialized countries suffer from occupational Noise-induced hearing loss. Considered as the most hazardous and permanent occupational disease common in industrialized countries, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration […]

Online Detection Solutions Help Prevent Internet Fraud

The Internet has transformed the way we do business, with some businesses having been greatly benefitted; while some have been negatively impacted. The ease with which one can host a website encourages counterfeiters to create fraudulent webpage’s and carries on with their   activities. As technology is expanding with every passing day, security measures need to […]

How Innovation fuels FMCG Industry

According to Mr. Gary Hamel, Chairman, Strategos “There is no way to create wealth without ideas. Most new ideas are created by newcomers”. Ideas that originate from employees provide an unlimited source of competitive edge and value by companies and are leveraged as incremental improvements and strategic innovations. Strategic innovations cover aspects such as business […]

Cost Effective Power Plant Engineering Solutions to Ensure Quality Deliverables

While the global economy is set to increase four-fold between now and 2050, it is said that this growth could approach more than tenfold in developing countries. Although this has potential for large economic benefits and huge improvements in standard of living, it also means that there will be much more use of energy. As […]