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Importance of Customized Employee Name Badges

Ever since you were in school you have always had a name badges attached to your shirt. Even employment has done the same for you. When you join a work place, the first thing they do is issue you with a new name badge. This name badge becomes an indispensable part of your office attire. […]

Where to Buy Name badges in Melbourne: Right Name Badges

Name badges Melbourne has a lot of significance in any person’s life. Be it either professional or personal. Often this same importance of a name badge is undermined. However, it has to be borne in mind that your name badge is your identity. It is your identification mark. A name badge is how people recognize […]

Advantages of Convention Attendees ID Badges

With pinned on tags being known for tearing of clothes by the pins used in them, magnetic name badges offer a solution to this. They are safe for our employees’ clothes, especially in high-end retail stores where employers want to prevent expensive clothing being ruined. There are several types of magnetic name badges retailing in […]


name badges are ideal for health care professionals, nurses, hospitals and labs as they bring a personal touch and make the process of identifying these health workers easier. When going to work, a nurse will carry a customized name badge indicating her name and the hospital or medical institution that she works for. This customised […]

Importance Of Using Magnetic Name Badges

Name badges have been utilized within organizations for many years, not only to identify employees but also to help individuals feel like they can comfortably approach and talk to a team member. The construction and makeup of name badges has somewhat changed over the years. Even though regular pinned-on tags are still widely used, we […]