More About the Author "ndfebmagnets375"

Author Nick: ndfebmagnets375
Name: xiaoqiang pan
About the Author: ndfeb magnets

Articles by ndfebmagnets375 :

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Cube magnets of you

Cube Magnets are the strongest permanent magnets available, and are able, in some cases, to hold up more than 1,000 times their own weight. They are manufactured in many different shapes and sizes, such as cubes, discs, spheres, plates, and rings, among others. Small magnets of this type are used in certain electronic devices, such […]

A Arc magnet

Though most people are familiar with simple, Arc Magnets, there are many other types of magnets. They are categorized as permanent, temporary, and electromagnetic. Permanent magnets maintain their magnetic properties for an extended period of time while temporary magnets lose their magnetism more quickly. An electromagnet, on the other hand, is one that is created […]

Ready to Rare-Earth Magnets

For some time now, I’ve been trying to understand the neodymium magnets power generator that I have seen advertised online that can be used to generate free electricity in homes. Even though, I have been lacking the basic knowledge about electricity and its properties because I’m neither an electrician nor engineer, I have always been […]

Rod Magnets are rare

Rod Magnets are rare types of magnets found on earth. They are considered permanent and are made out of a combination of alloys of iron, boron and neodymium. The mixture of these three alloys provides two more names for which the magnets are called – the NIB magnet or the NdFeB magnet. Nd is the […]