More About the Author "nickounsar"

Author Nick: nickounsar
Name: Nic Kounsar
About the Author: Please visit our site for termite signs & termite inspection in Australia:

Articles by nickounsar :

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Taking Care of Termites Around Your Building

If you have a home, then chances are high that you will need to deal with some kind of pest control. Even before you officially purchase your home, the pest control company will come out and do an inspection of the building. There are a lot of different pests that the company will look for, […]

Different Methods of Pest Control and How They are Being Used

The subject of pest control has a long history. Rig Veda that is over 4000 years old mentions about the use of poisonous plants to kill pests. In addition, there is historical evidence to say that the Sumerians have used compounds that contained sulfur in order to kill pets 4500 years ago. In short, the […]