More About the Author "nimengyang"

Author Nick: nimengyang

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What to eat is healthy for lunch?

Overview You know that a Burger, fries and a soda of 20 ounces definitely are not the best options for lunch. But finding alternatives can be difficult unless it establishes healthy habits. Cooking at home and your pantry and refrigerator with an array of healthy options of the population will be that much easier to […]

Side effects of not eating breakfast

The wise saying, “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” were mentioned by countless mothers at all times. He has been he whispered in the ears of the school children in the early morning to the place for centuries, however, only has been advertising the depth as breakfast is so important in recent […]

Tips for healthy eating

Healthy eating can be a challenge for many people. A healthy diet provides the vitamins and nutrients for a healthy body. It also promotes a healthy weight and decreases the risk of many conditions of health such as high cholesterol, diabetes and heart disease. It can be difficult to make changes after years of poor […]

Diet for fibromyalgia

There are many people affected by Fibromyalgia, specialists say that some patients have referred that headaches are attenuated by the adequate intake of food. But we must bear in mind that not all people can eat food which we provide, as they may have allergies to any of them. You can discover his own sensitivity […]

Diet to lower cholesterol

Only a few simple adjustments in your diet can be enough to reduce your cholesterol at a healthy level and help you stay out of the drugs or using a low dose. Reduce the consumption of saturated fats and trans, as meat and dairy products high in fat raise total cholesterol. Trans fats, sometimes found […]