More About the Author "njnithinjeff"

Author Nick: njnithinjeff
Name: njnithin jeff
About the Author: I am njnithinjeff read mathematics at Stanford and remained there for his MS. From 1998-1999 on researched in Evolution and in Animal Behavior in Camrbidge, UK. I was was then a professor in the departments of Anthropology and Biology, New Jersy College, USA. Now teaches at the department of Zoology. Carried out research in several areas of evolutionary biology, particularly in sexual selection and the comparative method.

Articles by njnithinjeff :

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Internet Protection for Children – Parents Beware

It is important to keep yourself, your family and your computer safe while using the internet. Although the Internet offers a wide range of features incredibly useful and beneficial resource and it can also entail risks and threats by disreputable, immoral people. These people choose to create malicious programs which may harm others computers and […]

Photography and their Professionalism

Photography is the combined word, in three Ideas that is Photo + Graphy and a Photo Professional. The meaning of these words is primarily “Photo” It is the word derived from the Greek concept which is called as “light,” so connected to this word “Photo,” there are some other words. They are “photon” which is […]

How To Use Pure Tamanu Oil As The Best Treatment For Acne

The oleo de argan is oil from the Portuguese terminology. This is called as “Argan oil Extractives and their physically modified derivatives such as tinctures, concretes, absolutes essential oils. What is Argan ? Argan is an oil produced from the kernels of the Argan tree. It is known for its nutritive, cosmetic and numerous medicinal […]

Buy Argan Oil Beauty Products

The oleo de argan is oil from the Portuguese terminology. This is called as “Argan oil Extractives and their physically modified derivatives such as tinctures, concretes, absolutes essential oils. What is Argan ? Argan is an oil produced from the kernels of the Argan tree. It is known for its nutritive, cosmetic and numerous medicinal […]

The Benefits of Employment Contracts

“Houston” is an inland port in Texas linked to the Gulf of Mexico by the Houston Ship Canal; pop. 1,953,631; site of the NASA Space Center. “Employment” is the condition of having paid work or A person’s trade or profession. Attorney is a noun and it is a person appointed to act for another in […]