More About the Author "Onlinearticle"

Author Nick: Onlinearticle
Name: James Dura
About the Author: Connected Claims are specialist PPI consultants with a proven track record of winning back PPI premiums for our clients

Articles by Onlinearticle :

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How Were Investments Mis Sold?

If you were mis sold, you may well avail a huge compensation. However, there is a deadline within which you are to submit complains and it is quick.  The banks have mistreated millions of customers in last six years by mis selling ppi in order to make an easy profit. Reports say that of the […]

Energy Performance Certificate Guide

If you are a prospective house or building buyer, then you must get to know about the energy performance of the house. The rating that comes with the building signifies the energy performance of the house. Seeing the building’s energy efficiency structures clearly states what should be the price of the building.   A prospective […]

Think You Are Stuck With A Mis-Sold PPI Plan … Think Again!

If you have ever signed on the dotted line in the UK, you might have been asked (or required) to add a Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) plan to your loan. There are times where a PPI plan is a good idea, and there are times when it not only is a bad idea, but not required. Some […]

Jersey Boys is The Story of a Group of Young Men

Jersey Boys is the story of a group of young men from Newark, New Jersey. The story of the Jersey Boys is based on the life of the band members of the Four Seasons. Each band member is portrayed individually and you learn about the intimate details of their lives. You’ll be entertained by the telling of […]

Reclaiming PPI: Get Back What Was Yours To Begin With

Payment Protection insurance, or PPI for short, is a special type of insurance used to help “cover” loans, mortgages and credit debts. PPI is used as a form of insurance to guarantee your ability to cover your repayments even in the event of job loss or accident. So, if you have ever signed on the dotted […]