More About the Author "owenspauline"
Author Nick: owenspauline
Name: Pauline Owens
About the Author: Pauline Owens is a web designer focused in designing blogs and networking sites by day and a mom of two kids at night. At the age of 36, she never fails to provide her clients with quality work and awesome designs.
Articles by owenspauline :
02.03.12 | Comments Off on Bookmarks vs. Brochure
When you think about it, you cannot get any more disparate than when you talk about the commercial printing products bookmarks and brochures. Still, there may be times that you find that you have grown tired of postcard printing and cheap postcards all the time, and you realize that you are now more open to […]
02.02.12 | Comments Off on Marketing Tips for Beginners
It’s a competitive world out there. If you want to succeed in your business and earn sales and profits, you need to speed up your marketing campaign. With the marketing techniques and strategies available today, it should be easy for you to heighten up your campaign. However, before you get lost in marketing your business, […]
02.01.12 | Comments Off on Marketing Tips: Maximizing the Value of Printed Marketing Pieces
You have constantly heard the word marketing in your entire stay in the business industry, but it’s likely that you don’t really understand its meaning and importance in running your business. Maybe you yourself have said this word many times, but you don’t really fully understand why you need to do it in your business. […]
01.30.12 | Comments Off on Boosting ROI through Letterhead Printing
Even in today’s electronic age, a lot of correspondences are still done through print. Although a lot of businesses use email to communicate with their clients and customers, they still find it important to send written mails. You are probably doing the same in your business. You likely keep in touch with your customers through […]
01.26.12 | Comments Off on The Benefits of Printed Postcards to Businesses
Marketing postcards are one of the more cost-effective and efficient forms of advertising. With creative use of these simple printed materials, you can reach out to new customers as well as establish relationship with your current ones. And thanks to the technological progress in the printing industry, it is now easier, cheaper and simpler to […]