More About the Author "padualaw"

Author Nick: padualaw
Name: Alejandro Padua
About the Author: Alejandro represents individuals and businesses, domestic and foreign legal services and also serves as general counsel for clients, providing transactional and business/corporate law advice. He experience as an attorney at law with a unique insight into its complexities.

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Benefits of Eb5 Investment Visa Program for Hotel Investors

The hospitality scene of the country has gone a tremendous change. Luxury has taken on a new meaning.  Hotels with exquisite architecture, grand pools and landscaped exteriors have dotted every city and yet the country demands more. Where does all the financing for the fancy hotels come from? If the corporate sector of US is […]

Important Points about E-2 Investment Visa for Investors

The E-2 Investment Visa is the Government’s way of extending its arms in a friendly gesture to the foreign investors.  Entrepreneurs with more than $200,000 are invited to invest in any form of business which holds the possibility to generate further revenue and employment opportunities is welcome to apply for the E-2 Investors visa. The […]

Why Small Business Attorney is Important for Business

As long as you run an enterprise, there are risks that you can’t hide from.  Such risks can come from many sources including fraud, eviction, and property repossession, rent dispute and contract disagreements etc. that can slow down or just hamper your business in a way that you did not anticipate. Some of these risks […]

How You Can Benefit Your Business by having an Eb-5 Investor Visa

Getting an American citizenship is not easy. Some of the ways of becoming an American citizen is through: birth, marrying an American citizen, registration, naturalization or through asylum. Yet, with these many options of citizenship, most people are still locked out at various levels. However, one way of becoming an American citizen without much ado […]

Understanding Common Small Business Law

Small business Law in a nutshell dictates the relationship between businesses amongst themselves and with other entities that they interact with. These entities can be clients, employees, governing authorities or the general public. Basically, the main objective of these laws is to ensure that entrepreneurs focus on growing their businesses and achieving their organizational objectives […]