More About the Author "palletbid"

Author Nick: palletbid
Name: William Lowry
About the Author:, where you can bid on or buy store returns, overstock apparel, salvage truckloads, wholesale liquidation merchandise, mail order returns, and general merchandise pallets

Articles by palletbid :

Sort by: – The Small Business’s Lifeline in 2012

There is a growing concern about the stability of the global economy, as even established economies struggle to manage their levels of debt and inspire significant commercial growth. With this in mind, governments throughout the Western world are being forced to consider new and innovative driving mechanisms to help boost their ailing economies, so that […]

Why Bid for a Pallet

Over the years you may have become used to bidding on many different things online. Some people start out small i.e. adding to a collection that they are obsessed with; while others will take a ‘risk’ with something a little bigger, like a new digital television; but have you ever considered bidding for a pallet? […]

Grab a bargain out of customer returns

Celebrating 20 years in existence this year, American Merchandise Liquidators, Inc.(AML), have one of the largest inventories of quality merchandise within the industry, and all on sale at amazingly low prices, that even fall below those at wholesale.  When they buy liquidations, they can be either compulsory or voluntary, but either way they pick up […]

The return of the bargain at AML

The on-going success story that is American Merchandise Liquidators, Inc. otherwise referred to as AML is a proof, if proof be needed, that hard work and determination can get you a long way.  Having the foresight to spot a business opportunity, saw a small front room turned into a makeshift warehouse and plenty of set […]

Many happy returns at AML

If you have that light bulb moment, when suddenly an idea pops into your head that you believe could make you your fortune, make sure you follow it up, because these little thoughts do genuinely come into fruition with a bit of dedication and hard work.  Take for example, American Merchandise Liquidators, Inc. (AML); whose […]