More About the Author "paul4595"

Author Nick: paul4595
Name: Paul Polkinghorne
About the Author: Hi my name is Paul Polkinghorne and I currently live in Auckland, New Zealand.

Articles by paul4595 :

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Diabetes and Baldness

Quite often, significant hair loss can alert an individual to the possibility of the development of diabetes. If an individual is losing hair in larger than normal quantities, and the loss does not appear to be common pattern hair loss, evaluation by a medical professional would be warranted. The reason is  that diabetes is a […]

Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Women lose hair everyday 100-150 strands actually simply from brushing and manipulating. If you have long hair this can look like a lot but considering the sum of hair on a head its a tiny sum. If hair is coming out in clumps or you notification circular patches of balding spots however there is definitely […]

Development of Hair Loss

There are many causes of hair decline. Some are due to eminent fever serious infections major surgery and in some cases emotional and physical stress causes hair loss. Other causes of hair loss include thyroid disease miss of protein in dirt low iron and prescriptive drugs given for blood thymes acne arthritis and heart disease. […]

Best Products for Baldness

Heredity hormones stress diet illness poor hair care are all factors in hair loss. Stress diet and illness are more temporary conditions and usually the hair decline is reversed when the anxiety producing conditions dissipate when the diet is improved when hair care improves and when an illness is cured or gotten under control. Heredity […]

Anti-Hair Loss Shampoos

One easy to try option is a shampoo specifically designed to increase the health of existing hair and to reduce the rate of hair loss in both men and women. There are several sources to investigate specific shampoos, research studies which can be accessed to determine the effectiveness of many of these products. Good professional […]