More About the Author "Peace-talks"

Author Nick: Peace-talks
Name: Peace Talks
About the Author: Peace Talks has best family law mediators team who specializes in family law mediation services, Matrimonial law mediation, divorce mediation and lots more with highly effective & professional Mediators to fulfill your family conflicts needs.

Articles by Peace-talks :

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Mediation and Collaborative Law for Premarital Agreements and Prenuptial Agreements

It’s engagement season!  And while everyone’s busy admiring the ring and talking about wedding colors, it’s tempting to gloss over more serious issues, like your financial future and money styles. I’ve been working in the divorce field for over 20 years and I’ve also been divorced myself. Now I’m happily remarried.  So the suggestions and […]

Who should choose a Collaborative Divorce and who should Choose mediation?

I’ll start by talking about mediation, since it’s faster and less expensive, and then I’ll talk about Collaborative Divorce.  And remember, if you start in mediation but decide later to switch to Collaborative Divorce, you can do that. Or vice versa. You can start in Collaborative Divorce and switch to mediate. So making an initial […]

Family Divorce Mediation Services and Failure

The consensus of many clients is that divorce is among the most critical failings of parenthood. People, however, don’t realize it’s not that simple. “To err is human,” said Alexander Pope, the 18th century English poet. It’s a fact that we actually fail when we don’t take chances and neglect to try new things. In […]

Talking About Prenuptial Agreements

Premarital or prenuptial agreements – known as prenups – are tricky no matter how carefully you approach them. The reason behind this is that people are uncomfortable discussing the issues that are most commonly addressed in prenups – namely, divorce, and the consequences of seeking one. The hesitance to explore a prenuptial agreement also stems […]