More About the Author "pedro12teixeira"
Author Nick: pedro12teixeira
Name: Pedro Teixeira
About the Author: The more you use your brain the more likely you are to have a good memory, sharp focus and be able to problem solve much more efficiently.
Articles by pedro12teixeira :
10.18.11 | Comments Off on It Is Possible To Improve Brain Function
Brain function is something that everyone knows is important to daily function, but many people do not fully understand how important brain function is as we age. The brain over time loses its ability to retain memory. This is something that many older people are facing. What if we can overcome memory problems later in […]
10.18.11 | Comments Off on Memory Loss In Older Age
Many people are living longer thanks to advances in medicine. The physical body is capable of living longer then ever before. This has left brain fitness not at the forefront and this has left many more people experiencing memory loss. Memory loss is not something that you have to accept as a normal part of […]
10.13.11 | Comments Off on Cognitive Abilities And Memory
The brain provides us with many cognitive abilities. Let’s discuss them in further detail to better understand the benefits which they provide. Cognitive abilities are skills which are controlled by the brain which allow us to carry out many different tasks from simple to highly complex. They are focused more on how we learn, remember […]
10.13.11 | Comments Off on Your Mind Needs A Workout Too
When we think about overall health we think about eating healthy and exercising. However what most of us don’t think about is our mind. It is the most powerful organ we have and we spend little to no time thinking about what we can do to make it healthier. Reality is with just a few […]
10.13.11 | Comments Off on The Danger With Traumatic Brain Injury
The brain is one of the most amazing organs in the body. It controls most of our bodily functions and gives us the ability to think, reason and respond. Normally the brain functions very well throughout our lives. However it is very sensitive so Mother Nature created built in protection by housing it in a […]