More About the Author "polanskimou"

Author Nick: polanskimou
Name: paul Lanski
About the Author: A friendly guy who likes to write and to share.

Articles by polanskimou :

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Three weeks to get back a firm tummy

Getting back a firm tummy can seem like a difficult thing to most people, in fact, to some people, it’s going to seem like a dream that will never come true. Let me ask you this question: when was the last time that you’ve enjoyed a firm belly? If you’ve answered with something like: I […]

Three ways to make women like you when they meet you

I’ve always been very fascinated with those little tweaks that you can do to your appearance and the things you can say to women that will make them feel great about you and like you immediately. I’ve found lots of them through my learning and experiences. The bad news is that if you don’t already […]

Three ways to have a thin lean body

Your weight is important! It’s not only important because you will look nice or fit inside your last year’s jeans, it’s important because you are going to help your body too into getting more energy an fighting off bad diseases more efficiently. Here is the thing when you are fat: your body will become weak! […]

Do these to have a girlfriend tonight!

You can’t go wrong about reading this post!! Do you know why? Because you are going to learn the skills that will push you into becoming one of the most attractive and handsome man possible to women. You don’t need surgery or to win in the lottery, what you need is simply to apply these […]

Grow into the best male around women

You can’t attract, date and marry a woman if she doesn’t like you! It’s easy! And this is the promise of this post, to teach you how to become the man that women want and dream for their entire day, in fact, they’ve been dreaming for such a man for their wholes lives. You can’t […]