More About the Author "pradeepqpt"

Author Nick: pradeepqpt
Name: pradeep qpt
About the Author: pradeep works in Quality point Technologies a innovative software development company and this company is the one that developed a highly efficient web based Timesheet and many other challenging projects

Articles by pradeepqpt :

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Use social media with a caution

No one can deny the fact that social Networking sites has changed the way how we communicate and has given a new dimension to it. Social networking is a great tool to connect with the people , of all walks of life. It has helped us to connect with the lost friends and loved ones […]

How What You Do on Twitter Could Negatively Affect You

Marketing through social media has become a part of the promotion strategies of many companies. The marketing and promotion done on Twitter and Facebook revolves around billions of dollars directly or indirectly. Twitter marketing is no way different to other type of marketing. But few mistakes that they do in the social media marketing can […]

Software Testing Terms

Find below the meaning/definition of Terms frequently used in Software Testing. These definitions are given in a very simple and easily understandable language. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) SDLC involves different phases such as Initial/Planning phase, Requirement analysis phase, Design phase, Coding phase, Testing phase, Delivery and Maintenance phase. All these phases can be followed […]

How to Learn QTP?

This article will give overview about learning QTP You should begin with understanding the importance of software testing. You should learn software testing Concepts and you have to get clear understanding of functional and regression testing. You need to be bit familiar with Manual testing activities such as writing test cases, executing test cases and […]

social networking statistics

A recent study has reveled some interesting statistics about the time spent on various sites by the people when they log on to internet. This study stated that more than 22% of the time people spent on the internet are on social networking sites Facebook and Twitter make up for a lion’s share among that. […]