More About the Author "puneetdua"

Author Nick: puneetdua

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The Internet Technology And Training

You can now get an education course while at home. However, this has been achieved by the introduction of an extensive search engine by the name spider crawler. This is a program that has been designed to browse the World Wide Web. This web however is updated daily thus providing you with enough materials for […]

Google Instant: Some Insight

September 7 was a day full of suspense for every of the habitual users that visit Google every morning. The witnessed a doodle that made no sense to them neither did it have any information associated to it. A few hours later than September 7th, Google came up with an excellent new product with the […]

Bing giving Rewards for every search that you do

Microsoft has been known for different loyalty programs for quite some time now. These include SearchPerks and Cashback mainly. Microsoft now comes up with the Bing Rewards Preview (Beta). The way this reward program works is similar to credit cards or the loyalty programs that have been offered by Airlines. The credits that you accumulate […]

An Overview of SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is a relatively new term introduced in the internet dictionary that deals with increasing the visibility of your site within various search engines and other paid listings. SEO is not a form of advertisement by any means it is rather the process of making sure that the right […]

Articles Marketing – The Basics

Many online experts are ware that articles marketing is one of the best ways to enhance the product and services of any business. It is true that writing and marketing your written article over the web will be the effective way to create awareness for your website. In order to promote your business in a […]