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Name: qualification network
About the Author: hi i am seo

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Need For Nationally Recognised Qualifications

Education is the prerogative of every individual.  A professional degree convinces a future employer of a person’s capability of performing the task he has been chosen to do.  The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation or Ofqual is a government organization which monitors and regulates exams, tests, and qualifications in England.  Ofqual through nationally recognised […]

The benefits of getting courses accredited by a nationally recognised awarding body

The Qualifications Credit Framework maintained by Ofqual ensures that the learner gets relevant qualifications that are beneficial for society. Ofqual has built a structure of accrediting qualifications, with units being building blocks of qualifications. An Ofqual recognised awarding body will provide qualifications that are put together by the generally agreed rules of the framework. Qualification […]

The Advantages of Qualification Accreditation

The business world today is an ever-changing one and everybody needs to keep up with the latest trends and skills in their chosen profession. As an entrepreneur you also need to keep your work force up to date with the latest developments so as not to be left behind. The best way to do this […]