More About the Author "rajib09"

Author Nick: rajib09
Name: Rajib Dam
About the Author: I am a content writter.

Articles by rajib09 :

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More women could take on plastering courses

There could be signs of more women attending Plastering Courses, after a source claimed that ladies are doing more DIY jobs around the house nowadays. Home improvement expert Francesca Gamble suggested it has been a growing trend recently that females are taking more responsibility when it comes to making changes to a property. It could […]

Why An Online Degree Might Be For You

There has been a proliferation of online degree programs and options over the last decade. Just a short time ago, online degree programs were virtually unheard of and the connotation that went along with the words “online degree” may not have been the most positive. Today however, online degrees are much more accepted and are […]

Working with Kids: Psychology Careers

Many people who choose to pursue psychology as a career already have a pretty good idea of the population they want to work with when they finish school. For some, being able to make a difference in children’s lives would be a dream come true. Here are four careers in psychology that directly deal with […]

Biotech Penny Stocks

Biotechnology is an advancing area of business at the moment. It involves living microorganisms that are used in conjunction with technological processes to create new products in a variety of ways. Since this is an advancing technology it is not surprising that a lot of companies involved in this area of science issue biotech penny […]

MBA: Option or Obligation

Though it is too early to predict the exact number of candidates that will be appearing for the GMAT this year, one thing that can be said with certainty is that the exam continues to be the most popular entrance tests. A majority of graduates attempt the management entrance exam whether or not they are […]