More About the Author "raselrss"

Author Nick: raselrss
Name: rasel mahamud
About the Author: hi everybody

Articles by raselrss :

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Life Quotes

Quotes life are totally bad, but at the same time are so true. Quotes tends to cause two reactions in people, whether they make you reevaluate your life (at least for a while ‘), or throw your eyes and think about thinking “people really listen to all these life of a loan?” The answer is, […]

Bob Marley Quotes

Bob Marley is one of the most influential people all lived on this earth. He has produced many great bestsellers of the reggae music industry. “No woman no cry”, “legend”, “rebel sound,” “African Herbsman” and “make progress” are some of his albums that shook the nation and the world of reggae music made popular. Bob […]


Almost all men in the West is sure to have at least some men in dress shirts if not a lot of them. No matter what you do in life, and even if you spend more time at work and formal education that you use must still have at least some shirts for when you […]