More About the Author "RebeccaMarie241"

Author Nick: RebeccaMarie241

Articles by RebeccaMarie241 :

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Book Examine to get Pretties

Pretties, Scott Westerfelds second book within the Uglies trilogy, is a continuation of your stunning surprises, and intricate plotline of his first book. Because the heroine, Tally Youngblood, needs to pass through surgical treatment and turn on the list of flawless Pretties, you learns a little more about a wonderful lifestyle and technology inside the […]

After Surviving Earthquakes alongwith Airflow Raids

Manufactured started like all other. In class in the heart of basketball practice, I had put together just created a layup. Then I felt it. Something was unnatural. Initially I couldn’tt put my finger into it. The bottom appeared to be shaking . . . Slowly, it dawned on me for the reason that ground […]