More About the Author "reggie"

Author Nick: reggie
Name: Reggie Anoche
About the Author: Writer

Articles by reggie :

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Beat the Knife with Non-Surgical Carpal Tunnel Treatment

A woman shares her story about being diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome.  Upon visiting her doctor, she was advised to wear an elastic bandage to immobilize her hand and take some pain killers while under observation in the next seven days.  She’s also told that if the pain persists, her last resort would be surgery […]

How Far Your Passion Will Go With A Website for Artist

Many artists want to have a website for their artworks but quite discouraged to think how much it would cost them. Some of them may have started creating their own website for artist but along the process, they just give up after laying down a bunch of no-easy things to be done. It should not […]