More About the Author "rentafriend"

Author Nick: rentafriend
Name: Scott Rosenbaum
About the Author: is the largest online platonic friendship website in the world. Hire someone to meet new people, or someone to go to a movie or a restaurant with us.

Articles by rentafriend :

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Need of hire a date or rent a friend

People are nowadays using renting friend sites for various kinds of friendly activities. They use it also to meet new people to become their friends. But this kind of friendship will last only for a short period of time. This kind of friendship is costly, because you are going to pay an amount in order […]

Rent a new friend easily

There avail many websites which allows you to find local friends around the world. You can rent a local friend who can accompany you wherever you go. The friend that you choose in these websites will go along with you wherever you want. These friends are paid to hang out with you, watch movie, go […]